Originally Posted by Rattler347
Well, over time sometimes memories sour as media advertising takes over.
Enter now one JD Jones. After the 7.62x39 magazines became available in quantities that actually worked fairly reliably, the demand for the Fireball collapsed. JD Jone took advantage of this opportunity and came along with the "WhisperŽ" line convincing the public that this chambering was the best thing since sliced bread and that it would be particularly effective shot sub-sonic. Because there was now another 30 cal option JD made his push into the sub-sonic full-bore. To his credit this really saved the popularity of the 300 FB. BUT, it was almost exclusively about shooting subsonic, suppressed, and full-auto. It was at this point that Oly went to the pistol length gas system (6" gas system), not before, and only to produce a barrel viable for use in the subsonic. Oly also switched to a 1x8 twist at this time as well. That is the general progression of the 300 FB with regards top type of manufacture as related to gas systems. [/I][/INDENT]
Hope this helps.
Please understand, I mean no disrespect to Mr. Jones or SSK Industries. However I will say that Mr. Jones has made his reputation "bed" and now he must lay in it. In the firearms circles he is well known for his, shall we say, 'distaste' for those who have dabbled in this chambering - despite the fact that he did not invent that chambering. Want to test the popular theory? Call JD Jones and ask him for some ammo and dies and tell him you got your barrel from Olympic Arms or AAC. 'Nuff said.
I must, and will again here as I have in many other forums, give credit where credit is due. SSK Industries really kept the 300 FB/WhisperŽ alive! They did a great job at marketing and building a niche market where one had flopped before. Kudos all the way around. But to lay claim to having created the chambering is clearly misleading (depending on the descriptive terms used - words like 'developed' - as what does 'develop' mean...), and to claim it's inception/invention is clearly false.
I hope that helps.
So...was it JD that took the round into the subsonic realm? or Oly Arms?
I've also heard the stories about JD being cranky, but I've talked to him a dozen times on the phone from everything to identifying a used SSK 338W barrel to subsonic 308 Win...just like talking to anybody else.
It was JD that sold me a handfull of .510 cases and a set of dies and said "knock yourself out".
Perhaps theres something to be said for the way things are approached.
I've since purchased 2 sets of 338W and a set of 375W just by calling up and ordering. He's always been good to me.
Now I have to put the guys at Oly on my Christmas card list too.