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Old 04-12-2011, 02:07 PM
Rattler347 Rattler347 is offline
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Originally Posted by amafrank View Post
I'm not one of JD's fans. I tried talking to him reasonably and was called a thief and a number of other things despite the fact that I offered to pay for the info I was looking for.
Having said all that I will admit that JD is probably the one who popularized the subsonic shooting of the round. I know he isn't the inventor though as the round was used for silhouette shooting back in the 60's. A number of shooters were expanding the .221 fireball to .30 cal not long after it came out and the same was done with the .223 both in full length and in various shortened case versions. I tripped over an article from a shooting mag printed in the late 60's which talked about a silhouette shooter using a .221 fireball case necked up to .30 cal firing 220gr bullets in a remington XP-100 he built. I doubt he was loading subsonics but its the same round and shooting heavies.....
In any case it doesn't really matter in the long run. We get to play with a neat round, JD gets his ego stroked, remington gets to hype a "new" round and we get the brass from a factory source.

Good way to put it. Well done.
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