Thread: Load data
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Old 04-12-2011, 12:27 AM
skippy skippy is offline
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Originally Posted by i8asquirrel View Post
Have you checked you base and rings to make sure that they are secure?
Can you shoot better groups with other weapons ( not meaning to be an ass but I have a buddy that I hun with that can't shoot <moa with anything he owns, I can shoot 1/2" with his 22-250 and his loads) Man does it piss him off.
Dont give up....But you may want to have a gunsmith check it for you.
I have taken the mounts off-cleaned the mount and the action, loctited the srews and made sure everything is tight...learned to do that when my AR started shooting all goofy. I load and shoot with the guy that built my gun (he works for Douglas)...we cant find anything mechanically wrong! We dont know of anyone around locally that shoots the "WTF", so we are pretty much stumped!

I can get < moa with my AR, and at least 1moa with all of my loads on the other calibers that I shoot.
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