Thread: Load data
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Old 04-12-2011, 12:11 AM
skippy skippy is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 17
The 8twist was stainless, I got it in Oct 10. The 7twist I am shooting now, I got about a month ago is chromoly...all weights except the 220s make a round hole. Some of my 220 loads looked like the bullet hit a little sideways...didnt really think much about it because my buddies gun shot them the same way...just blamed it on the charge. Whenever I am shooting the 220s, I always run out of up adjustment(this has happened w/two different scopes)...shimmed the rear mount and that didnt bring it up enough either. I heard one time when you are near the max adjustment-wether it be up-down-left-right, the scope wont be true...just heard that, dont know it to be true or not. The best this gun has shot was with the 8twist and 220 CorBons; and , that was a 1.5" group! Wasnt very imressed at $45 a box!
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