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Old 04-10-2011, 09:55 AM
martineta martineta is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 101
Barrel length recommendations?

I had SSK make me a 300 whisper encore barrel 26 inches long. I love shooting paper and hunting deer with it. Now that I am loading subsonic for it, I want to get Jones to build me a suppressor also. I just couldn't stand that my pal Riverguide has a suppressor and I don't.

So, you encore and bolt gun guys please help me. Remember, I shoot lots of supersonic loads also. Is there a barrel length that would be fine for both supersonic and subsonic loads. Or should I just order another barrel thats a shorty and put the suppressor on that one.

Last year I hunted and killed deer with both supersonic 150 Nos BT and subsonic 225 outlaws. I never changed the scope setting from my supersonic settings but know the bullet drop on the subsonics from the many rounds shot at the range. I hunt in the woods and 100 yards is my maximum range but all deer killed this year were under 50 yards which is about normal where I hunt.

So what do you folks think or should I just get Jones to another shorter barrel for subsonics?

Riverguide, I come home in late June. We will have to play with the Whispers. I want to check out that fancy scale you bought.
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