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Old 03-30-2011, 03:41 PM
Sami Sami is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 24
SI Defense 300 Fireball and 300 BLK ammo

I did some measurements on the chambers today and to me it seems like this barrel is good to go with factory BLK ammo. I was worried about OAL as for BLK it is 2.26" and for Whisper it is 2.10". Another was case neck, 0.338" vs 0.330".

300 Fireball SI Defense measurements vs 300 BLK Delta Company Arms:

case max length : 1.41" vs 1.368" (this is a spec length)
case neck to rifling : 0.20" vs 0.18"
neck diameter: 0.340" vs 0.338"

YMMV and beware that these aren't scientific measurements but even visually you can see there should not be a reason why this barrel would not shoot 300 BLK ammo. Shoulder seems to slightly larger in the SI Defense barrel. If someone finds a flaw in my thinking, PLEASE do tell.
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