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Old 03-23-2005, 09:57 PM
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Quarterbore Quarterbore is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Valley Forge, PA
Posts: 1,598
Phrobis Modular Field Knife MFK

I just received an E-mail from a visitor asking for more info on the following knife...

Here is the message that goes with the knife...

I'm contacting you on behalf off a friend who bougth one of these knifes in Califonia in the early 80's and would like to buy another one for his wife or hunting. I have searched everywhere on the net and only found one on e-bay but the scabbard has the top missing. You mentioned this knife in your articule and we were hopping you could give us some direction in contacting someone who would know where to find one. Any information would be helpful and appreciated.

Thank You

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