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Old 03-16-2011, 01:05 PM
ahoss79 ahoss79 is offline
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Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 3
300 Whisper reloading issues and questions

I have a 10.5" barrel that I got from TC555 and have just completed the upper. Now I am running into some issues with the reloading.

I am using .223 casings and really haven't had an issue with making the brass. They fit in the case guage easily and have minor resistance going into the chamber.

I loaded up some 240gr Sierra HPBT bullets with 12.5gr of Reloader 7 and set them at an overall length of 2.26 based off the Sierra reloading manual. They wouldn't fit in the case guage or the chamber. After forcing it into the chamber an forcing it back out, I could see where the bullet was making contact. I did a search on here and found where someone mentioned that2.13 overall length was probably the max. So I set a bullet at 2.13 and seemed to notice a little more resistance than normal when setting it that far in. Will not fit into the case guage or the chamber.

Is it possible that the bullet has compressed the powder enought to expand the casing? Has anyone experience this before or heard of it?

Also, what would you all recommend for bullet, powder and speed for a break in load? I did a search and couldn't find anything on break in loads.

Appreciate any tips you all could give me.
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