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Old 03-14-2011, 07:06 PM
jimpa jimpa is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: North west Penna
Posts: 62
What gives on the suppressors?

About a month ago my son came over to shoot, weather real crappy, so we decided to shoot the .22 lr suppressed out the window of the rear of my house.
Remintgon Subsonics, first shot was just a lil phhut. The second and rest of them cracked.
Today came home with three other brands, first one was a cci and it just farted,,second shot cracked as did the other two brands of ammo. Wolf, and Aguila SS.
rifle cz252 16 in bbl
Passport supp. from Coastal Gun Works.
Tomorrow I was going to drop off my new Ruger Mark III to get threaded,
Is this a waste of time and Money? Am I expecting too Much?
My 300 WTF and a 9 mm supressor do the trick.
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