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Old 03-06-2011, 02:56 PM
rumlover rumlover is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 113
yea, I've looked over reloaders nest and didn't find it much usefull for short barreled AR's. I did find a few usefull posts for my 16" encore a few years back. The data there can be usefull though if the person who entered it provided sufficient data (that's not tyically the case). My thought was to build a spreadsheet that does statistical analysis on all available data. It may turn out to be inconclusive, but if the voices in the back of my head are right, we can extrapolate loads based on weapon platform options, desired effects (cycling, most quiet, most speed) etc...

I'm looking for not only the good loads, but data on the bad loads. Those that wouldn't cycle an AR, those that weren't stable, etc.. Such data should give us break points in our options (ie. if you are using a 10.5" barrel, 9.2gr of LilGun is the break point to get a carbine buffer assembly to cycle with a pillover 200 grains -OR- at 1/10" twist the largest pointed design bullet that will stabalize with AA1680 is a 200 SMK, but a 220 Hornady round nose (shorter bullet,easier to stabalize) is still good).

Crunchin the data I have now, this is goig to be a journey, not a race...
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