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Old 03-03-2011, 02:52 PM
Chameleon Chameleon is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 3
Deer/hog Ammo for .300 SSK AR15

I've got an SSK AR15 suppressed .300 Whisper. I have some Cor-Bon subsonics that shoot well in it, however I have not been happy with the terminal results.

I've tried some Cor-bon 150 grains, but they didn't feed well.

I really just want the thing to be hearing safe in hunting situations, so I think I'd be much better suited with a supersonic load with more knockdown power and better trajectory as long as it stayed under 140 db. The action of the auto is already too noisy to get away with repeated shots without alerting hogs.

Does anyone make supersonic .300 Whisper hunting loads that feed well in the AR platform, or is learning to reload my only option?
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