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Old 12-30-2005, 05:43 PM
Fatstrat Fatstrat is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 2
OLd knife question: Wyeth's Cutlery

I've recently come into possession of a box of (mostly) pocket knives collected by my Folks from my brother and I when we were kids. (we're both in our mid-40's now). Most of these knives I suspect are at least 30 yrs old. I'm trying to learn some info on some of them.
One is a 2 blade pocket knife of a style commonly refered to as "The Stockman". The larger blade measures 2 3/4". The smaller one is broken.
Blades are marked: "Wyeth's Warrented Cutlery".
I've never heard of this brand before. It apears to be of decent quality. Any info as to age and possible value appeciated. Thanks.
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