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Old 12-30-2005, 10:36 AM
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Quarterbore Quarterbore is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Valley Forge, PA
Posts: 1,598
Congrats! Is this your first?

I have three myself... two from a first marrage that live with their mom most of the time (long sad story) plus one from my second marrage and my we are talking about another if we can afford another... Four kids makes me wonder if I have really lost my mind!

Kids are great and worth the effort and life changes...

One pice of advise... get a CD player ready in the babys room with some type of soft classical music and start playing it for them when you first bring them home when you would like them to sleap... After a while they get conditioned to it and it helps them sleap. Our youngest is almost 2 and she is in the routein to the point that she turns on here CD player and hits play for us every night before she goes to bed.

Another trick we learned is to get one of the battery opperated swinging chairs and have a newborn sleap in the chair with the music playing and the chair swinging. This will allow you and your wife (assuming you are married ;) ) to get more sleap then if the baby will only sleap with you rocking them.

Well, at the risk of sounding lik Oprah... having done this three times I am starting to feel like an old hand at this thing but man I am still not too anxious to go at it a fourth round but like I said after the first few months everything gets easier after that. Those first two months or so made me feal like the life was being sucked out of us but we lived and now are experiencing the terror twos but they are fun watching her learn where her limits are and trying to test those limits.

Congrats Again!
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