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Old 02-28-2011, 08:28 AM
320pf 320pf is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 304
Originally Posted by rumlover View Post

I'm more than a little tired of searching for reloading data that relates to the 300-221/300Blk and all the barrel, port position, etc... options.

Here's a thought to help us all trouble shoot these damn things a little faster.

Why don't we consolidate all our findings into spreadsheets or scatter charts? We can limit each chart by barrel length, then post data for that length. I did something similar in a statistics class for my thesis using Excel. If we get enough data points per powder, bullet, length, and velocity; we can extrapolate to help fill the voids in data.

Off the top of my head we'd need the following (or as much as possible) for each load:

Barrel length
Port position
Bullet type
Bullet weight
Standard Deviation
Extreme Spread
Accuacy results using a standard 100y, benched, 5 shot group
altitude within +-1000' feet

And what else?

I don't mind consolidating, but we'd need the moderators support for posting i somewhere and possibly a standardized entry submission form/style so that it can be maintained.

Another option would be to dump it all on an existing forum like reloadersnest...although I don't think we would get as much data analysis out of that site as compared to the statistical analysis of MS Excel.

In part, it has already been done. Go to the link below:

I shot most of the loads listed under "Not yet verified user loads". I suggest that folks add their 300-221 Fireball/300 Whisper(r)/300Blackout load data at the site listed above.



Last edited by 320pf; 02-28-2011 at 08:39 AM.
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