I'll Play... Here's my new plinking load
Barrel length: 10.5"
Port position: Pistol
Bullet type: Pulled Sierra Matchkings from M118LR
Bullet weight: 175
Powder: Alliant 2400 7.9 Grains
Velocity: 1030 FPS (Average for only 3 shots)
Standard Deviation: 2 (for only 3 shots)
Extreme Spread: 5 (for only 3 shots)
Accuracy results at 50y, off ground with bipod, 4 shot group: .31"
Temperature: 62
Altitude within +-100' feet: 4,200'
Wind: 20mph gusts
Additional Fields of interest:
Barrel Twist: 1 in 8
OAL: 2.15"
Dies: Redding 300/221
Brass: Hoser's Lake City Mixed Dates
Primer: CCI 400
Cost Per Reloaded Round (not including brass cost): about $.23
Last edited by buffetdestroyer; 02-15-2011 at 04:42 PM.