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Old 02-15-2011, 12:03 AM
Titleiiredneck Titleiiredneck is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 329
If you would like to catch your bullets you can shoot into 6" of wet media "phonebooks are best I have found" Try a 200+ grain projectile should work fine, if it penetrates you may need 2 more books "I live in a small area so I needed 4 to start with" I have used this method on subsonic 45 9mm 357m and 45lc in the past and it worked well. You will want to use a bthp as the plactic tip types may deform too much.

To test get a 5gal bucket of water, soak books and place them in a milk carton or wood frame. Books need to soak for about 5 minutes or less otherwise the glue may unbind. If you cant get phonebooks you can always go by wallyworld and buy a few packs of printer paper, that should work as well.
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