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Old 02-14-2011, 01:12 PM
snipecatcher snipecatcher is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 177
Thanks for the advice, and I wish I would have thought of that yesterday. I drove 2 hours to a place on private property where I can shoot however I want. I was shooting into a mound of sand. I didn't even think to try and find one of the 240's, which was stupid, as I doubt they could have gone far going sideways. I may try to work something out with a guy I know down here to fire a bullet into a mound of sand and dig it out. I'm leery of shooting a 310 bullet out of a 308 bore, especially with this cartridge. I know people do it with the 7.62x39, but the risk of going over-pressure, or sticking a bullet is too high for me.
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