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Old 02-13-2011, 05:40 PM
rumlover rumlover is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 113
Tired of searching threads for data? Solution...


I'm more than a little tired of searching for reloading data that relates to the 300-221/300Blk and all the barrel, port position, etc... options.

Here's a thought to help us all trouble shoot these damn things a little faster.

Why don't we consolidate all our findings into spreadsheets or scatter charts? We can limit each chart by barrel length, then post data for that length. I did something similar in a statistics class for my thesis using Excel. If we get enough data points per powder, bullet, length, and velocity; we can extrapolate to help fill the voids in data.

Off the top of my head we'd need the following (or as much as possible) for each load:

Barrel length
Port position
Bullet type
Bullet weight
Standard Deviation
Extreme Spread
Accuacy results using a standard 100y, benched, 5 shot group
altitude within +-1000' feet

And what else?

I don't mind consolidating, but we'd need the moderators support for posting i somewhere and possibly a standardized entry submission form/style so that it can be maintained.

Another option would be to dump it all on an existing forum like reloadersnest...although I don't think we would get as much data analysis out of that site as compared to the statistical analysis of MS Excel.

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