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Old 02-08-2011, 09:28 AM
rumlover rumlover is offline
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Posts: 113
AA9 velocity variation issues


Took 50 rounds of 220 SMKs loaded with 8.3 grains of AA9 to the range and put them over the chrony. The powder weights were thrown by an RCBS chargemaster/scale combo. I had velocity variations from 968 to 1160fps. Wiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Is there another powder that is more consistent? I imagine the difference in veolcity with AA9 is in the fraction variations (ie 8.357 grains v/s 8.321 grains) but our scales can measure past the 1/10th of a grain.

Is 1680 more tolerant?

Is there another powder that is better suited?

Because I know someone will ask:
8.5" Pacnor barrel
1/8 twist

The good news, however....I was getting good groups when the velocity was under a 20fps standard deviation. Consistently 3/4" groups at 100y.
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