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Old 02-07-2011, 02:17 PM
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amafrank amafrank is offline
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Originally Posted by Titleiiredneck View Post
Quick question, ya think it could be because the muzzle walls are so thin with the .308 bore vs the 1/2 od? Why I ask is had having a simmilar problem with one of my sbr uppers in 9mm. Thin walls can cause warpage when threaded, in which case it may cause the bullet to wobble when leaving the muzzle, just a thought.
I don't think the thread diameter and pitch are causing the issue. This thread is in use on many other .308's with no problems at all. 9MM is a larger bore and is getting much closer to the thread root so in a high pressure rifle I could see a possible issue there but not in the .308. In reality the 1/2-28 works very well in 9mm for the most part so the smaller .30 cal should have no issues whatsoever. I think there is either a problem with the barrel or the twist rate and the simplest solution is to do as others have noted and check the twist. If he's down to 110gr bullets to get a straight hole than something is seriously wrong....its not just a muzzle thread issue.

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