second amendment rights
I said what I meant, and meant what I said. The exact reason we have right to keeps arms is to prevent government takeover. In addition, they happen to be excellent deterence for crime, and serve as self defense, etc. Not only will I keep my firearms, but supply of ammunition as well. I'm all for staying with the "system", and writing to Senators, etc.---but whatever happens, I will possess my guns. While more oriented towards fixed blade cutlery, I am aware that David slew Goliath with a projectile. The people in Arizona do not need my sympathy, rather a demand that due process bring about a trial, with jury verdict. In saying this, remember that Timothy McVeigh proves one thing---our system of JUSTICE still works well. Each and every time people attempt to infringe upon our second amendment rights, they are actually advocating total submission to government. Thanks for an opportunity to share ideas; no hatred or sarcasm is intended.