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Old 01-31-2011, 07:15 PM
Kurtis Dwight Davis's Avatar
Kurtis Dwight Davis Kurtis Dwight Davis is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Oklahoma countryside
Posts: 68
Second amendment right(S)

It is important to remember that our second amendment right was created especially so We the People would have means of stopping government takeover. This reasoning is expressly stated in "The Federalist", by Alexander Hamilton, as per Opinion number 29. In other words, the Founders meant to "outgun" a well regulated militia, by allowing every good man to own a firearm. They fully realized a "well regulated militia" would be necessary, but feared the common people would not accept the Constitution, unless it provided protection from armed government takeover. Our second amendment rights do not really directly relate to maintaining a "minute man force", "well regulated militia", or anything else but, protection from government takeover.
Accordingly, I have my grandpa's 30.06, and will only part with it like he did---when I'm dead.
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