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Old 01-19-2011, 05:36 AM
d-mon d-mon is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: NZ
Posts: 165
Well Talking about remington,
What is the last great idea that they produced and took out the world by storm?

Not their ar -15
not their Short action ultra mag cartridges.
not their electronic ignition system
not their barrels wrapped with carbon fiber (except for christensen arms)

The ultra mag series of cartridges: maybe a bit
The 7 remington mag :yes
The model 700 rifle action :yes.

The 350 remington and 6.5 remington also not to bad cartridges have never thrived.
The 260 remington could have had a greater name for itself if remington had dared chambering it in a varmint/tactical rifle with the proper twist at an early stage.
I believe remington has never been the the best at cornering a market, or otherwise they where ahead of their times when nobody needed what they created.

Now they are coming out with the 300 ACC, which as Rikkylee said is a cartridge of no use for the average hunter.
They could chamber it in a short little seven for young shooters, a tactical/ varmint 700 rifle reasonnably priced (not like the flash one on the youtube clip that gona blow the budget),an ar15 , of course they will have too.

Remington is a well respected name in the industry, it would be sad to see them go away. I just hope they are going to head in the right direction.

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