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Old 12-15-2005, 12:26 PM
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Quarterbore Quarterbore is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Valley Forge, PA
Posts: 1,598
Yea, back in the old days I used to laugh at the varmint shooters with their 22/250 or even 243 as I was shooting the 25-06 but when Nosler came out with that little 55-gr bullet for the 243 it make the 243 into the ultimate long range varming round....

I am using a Rem 700 VLS that I converted to a PSS DM clone through the addition of a H-S Precision DM PSS stock and floor plate assembly. I did just a little fitting to the BDL feed lips for the DM mags but I believe my loads were giving me about 4100 FPS out of the 26-inch barrel with a group that is about 0.75 inches at 100-yards. It makes my "little" 243 combined with the insane 8-40x56 scope a quite capable 500-yard varmint rifle.

Hell, it was after I bough this rifle that I finally decided to sell my 25-06 but frankly selling the 25-06 was a huge mistake and one of very few guns I have sold over the years that I regret every time I think about it.
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