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Old 12-27-2010, 05:09 PM
buffetdestroyer buffetdestroyer is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Reno, Nevada
Posts: 74
One other thing about AR's that I have noticed recently is the factory gas rings are often too large to reliably feed at subsonic pressures. Even on a new LR308 with full power Gold Medal Match, I had the same problem.

The issue that you see is that the round doesn't feed all the way and the Bolt Carrier Group has about a half inch gap before it is seated properly. This is where you have to hit the forward assist to push the BCG into full battery.

It is an easy fix! Take the rings off and individually compress them to where the gap is about half of what it was (keep a gap or else you may run into other issues). Then put them on again. You have compressed them too far if the weight of the BCG is enough to lock the bolt if you stand it up on a table, bolt face down.

I am putting this here in case some other noobs to .300/.221 run into this while seeking loads.
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