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Old 12-22-2010, 07:42 AM
martineta martineta is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 101
Just curious

I stopped in my favorite Gun store the other day. I asked a guy at the gun counter about the 300 blackout. He told me he had not seen anything in Remington's catalog about the caliber in ammunition or in production rifles. This is a gun store,,,,,not some clothing store like Bass Pro or Gander Mountain or Cabela. This store has thousands of firearms of every make, model, and caliber. Green Top is the name. They are located outside Richmond VA.

Like every year, he and a couple of the other guys are going to the Shot Show in Las Vegas next month. He promised to ask about the cartridge. He also said Remington was famous for coming out with 3-4 new wildcat cartridges a year that never really end up in production. He was a tad skeptical to say the least.

If Remington is serious about this cartridge, I would think they would be put the Blackout in a marketing campaign to their dealers and retailers along with whatever other new goodies they have coming out.

Anybody on this board call customer service at Remington and ask?
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