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Old 11-23-2010, 01:07 AM
SgtCottle SgtCottle is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 23
To the OP:

Use a Nosler Partition if you want to guarantee an exit wound so that there will be a good blood trail to follow. With the soft front partition - it expands fairly rapidly at low velocities, and the back half of the bullet is basically a full metal jacket. It will hold up and penetrate through even if it hits bone.

I have them loaded up for my Whisper in my AR-15. There is a lot of flavors to choose from as well. I have lots of 150g and 168g for my supersonic loads and some 220g semi-spritzers for my subsonic loads.

I was worried that the semi-spritzers might have issues feeding since they are cross between a spritzer and a round nose, but they worked great. They clock out at 1020fps using 8.4g of Lil'Gun, and cycle my 16" carbine with the gas block in the pistol position. Even at the lower velocities - the partition is capable of punching through a 4" thick branch on a mesquite tree that I was using as a back stop (on my ranch - in a safe area). The 220g SMK that I had loaded up were sticking in the same 4" branch. Excellent bullets for the Whisper line IMO.


Here is the terminal effects of a supersonic .338" 250g partition that I used on this piggy. Most effective bullet I have used yet.

Last edited by SgtCottle; 11-23-2010 at 01:12 AM.
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