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Old 11-05-2010, 02:37 PM
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TCCrewchief76 TCCrewchief76 is offline
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Posts: 178
Let's not forget "fog of battle". Nobody's a perfect shot under duress. Ever wonder why it takes so many shots to put down a bad guy? Because not every shot makes it to target. That's just a fact of life. I need to know that my shots are gonna make it on target, and I know that if my weapon stops working, I'm in a shitstorm of trouble until I get it resolved. I think we could really divide the "types" of weapons in this discussion into "offensive" and "defensive" type weapons. I cannot think of a better offensive weapon than a truly quiet one when I want the element of surprise. If I'm engaged, I'm already behind the eight-ball, and I need to have a weapon that isn't gonna leave my ass hanging out to dry. Ideally, accuracy and reliability must go hand-and-hand, and luckily, I can get both.

Can you hear that? It's our founding fathers turning over in their graves...
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