Finally some progress...
So the Whisper upper that I've had since MAY has finally been mounted on a lower and even has a scope mounted to it. (M1S, carbine gas, YHM forend, not much else special)
Loaded three different bullets over various charges of AA1680 to get some testing started. Hoping to get to the range or better yet the deer lease to do some testing. (Maybe this weekend?) Too much work and not enough play makes Crawdaddy an unhappy camper.
220 SMKs (subsonic)
220 Hornady RNSP (subsonic)
150 Nosler Ballistic Tips (AA1680 and H110 supersonic loads)
Loads based on the Sierra data sheet.
Not sure how the 220 Hornadys will feed or if I need to seat them out longer. Will fiddle with the seating depth after I test these. Displacement in the case seemed to be about the same as the SMKs when I seated to the cannelure. They do look neat in a magazine. If they feed and cycle, they might just be the ticket.
The 150 Noslers ought to do some damage and would make a nice doe round.
I also have some surplus 108gr frangibles that might be fun for plinking. I don't expect much accuracy though. Weights vary from 104.5-108.5 across around 30 of them with not more than 5 of them weighing the same. Will try to get some of those loaded over H110 or 2400 to see if they'll cycle.
Anyone have any experience with the frangibles or the Hornadys?
Pics attached...