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Old 11-02-2010, 11:02 PM
rumlover rumlover is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 113
OK, I went back and reworked the brass, trimmed them to 1.348", and loaded 8 rounds. 4 got stuck, 4 chambered. When I pulled them out and compared, I found that those that got stuck had gouges in the brass from the shoulder to about 1/8-3/16" above the case head. The marks were all the way around the case.

SO...I measured the case at the point where the marks stopped. The cases that chambered were 0.373", the ones that didn't were 0.375". All the cases were the same just behind the shoulder at 0.362".

Also, I loaded each of these with 220 SMKs at 2.09"...0.1" longer than the previous loads where I thought the bullet was hitting the lands and causing the stoppages. Now I know that isn't the case. All the bullets from these 8 had no gouges from the lands.

It appears I'll need to pick up a small base die, switch to a different brand of brass, or have the chamber cut a little wider/polished.

Also, on the short stroking, I'm thinking that the additional pressure needed to push the BCG back may be the cause v/s the charge.

Any thoughts on my conclusion? Is there anything I'm not considering?

Last edited by rumlover; 11-02-2010 at 11:08 PM.
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