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Old 11-28-2005, 02:17 PM
Murmur Murmur is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 40
Quieter rifle

Hey Bigfoot,
I shoot a 300 whisper myself my case with subsonic rounds mostly but just started playing around with supersonic loads. With the suppressor the supersonic loads sound like a highpower 22lr round and best of all no ear ringing. The hole concept of short, efficient & normally a whole lot quieter rifles really seem to be taking off. I think people are coming back to the root of hunting and realise that they don't need a megamagnum with a lazer trajectory to kill game. A quiet toting, easy on the shoulder rifle will do the same job with less noise and disturb a whole lot less area meaning more hunting opportunities. Your bench rest cartridge idea sounds great....the lower velocity won't disadvantage you at longer ranges providing the bullets will expand. I have a scope on my whisper that premier reticles installed dots calibrated for 50y increments for my subsonic load. Just whip out the rangefinder put the appropiate dot on target & let her rip.
Good luck with the project....I'll think your find quite a lot of interest.
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