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Old 10-14-2010, 11:59 AM
Dvol Dvol is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 3
Whisper Reload Help, Crimping?

Hi Guys,

New guy with a 300 whisper checking in.

I just got an SSK AR-15 upper in 300 whisper. Also just started reloading for the first time. Reading past posts from people have been very helpful. I have brass all prepped and ready to charge with powder and seat bullet but have a question.

I have some 220gn and 240gn SMK's that I will be loading but none of the bullets have a crimp ring on them, the manuals I have read says that the bullets should be crimped when running in a semi-auto rifle but not to crimp unless there is a crimp ring.

Can anyone tell me how I should handle this?

Thanks for your help.

Also have my form 4 pending since Sept 1 for the suppressor, cant wait until it arrives.
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