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Old 10-07-2010, 10:23 PM
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Alleycat Alleycat is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Columbia, TN
Posts: 364
There are a few issues with this development. The first thing deals with the Whispers semi wildcat states. For years the 300 Whisper has been our baby. Every one that owns one takes pride in running a cartridge that the average to the semi advanced shooter does not understand. The 300 BLK will put the Whisper in the hands of the masses. It's good for the cartridge and good for the uninformed shooters out there. It begs for a suppressor and every one that gets a 300 BLK will probably learn that suppressors are legal, which will increase sales. That's good for all of us. ACC did the same thing as all the other manufacturers out there with a Whisper clone. 300 Fireball, 300-221, 300 whatever. ACC just pushed the envelope farther and ruffled a few feathers along the way. The last thing is the banning of Devil Doc on ST. There are a lot of people pissed off about someone getting banned for telling rsilvers that he should not use an unproven gun as his carry gun. I am one of those people. It's his house and he makes the rules. I think some are using this as an excuse to bash AAC and rsilvers. I think a simple thanks for the help and info would go a long way.
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