Thread: .223 case neck?
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Old 09-13-2010, 06:00 PM
pelallito pelallito is offline
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Thanks for the reply.
I am copying the HF chop saw system to trim the excess. I am going to make another wood holder so that I get a more reliable and repeateable cut. Then I am running them through the die with the expander ball in place. I have a lyman trimmer and they don't offer a reamer option for that model. I am going to have to get a forster trimmer or invent something. I was toying with the idea of trying to make a D reamer with a centering guide to take a light cut inside the neck.
When I trimming to size I am checking every second or third now that I have my trimmer dialed in.
I am still trying to get the kinks ironed out while using the .223 brass. I got spoiled when I converted some .221 fireball brass to this caliber.
I am going to make up a batch of brass to have ready before I have my rifle together.
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