Thread: Newb
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Old 09-08-2010, 11:42 AM
snipecatcher snipecatcher is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 177
If you want to start simple, you can always use a single stage press, it will just be more time consuming. I use an RCBS electronic powder dispenser:

and it works great. I also use a Rock-chucker press. I reload for 223, 303, 270, 308, 6.5x55, and 300 whisper. Takes me about 45 mins to load 50 rounds. Sometimes I wish I had something faster, but it's not so bad. I would advise buying brass from Hoser or Kelly Kyle (both on this forum) and saving yourself some time. It will be as good as anything you could produce at home, and save you lots of time. Also, for general case trimming, a Wilson unit from Sinclair International with the shark fin adapter, micrometer, and stand works great and is very simple. Good luck.
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