Thread: Newb
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Old 09-08-2010, 09:30 AM
Hoser Hoser is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 342
I use a Dillon 1050 and a 550 to load ammo on. Loading ammo for an AR on a single stage press starts to suck pretty fast.

I use Redding dies.

I use a Dillon Trimmer. It makes short work of turning 300 Whisper brass out of 223/5.56 brass. I tried the cut off die and hacksaw method and also the drill press method. Waaaaaay to painful for me to ever consider doing again.

The two thing-a-ma-jiggers I use is a case gauge made from a chamber reamer and a throat gauge, also made from a chamber reamer. The case gauge lets me know if the case is sized enough to fit in my chamber. The throat gauge was made from a piece of my barrel and let me know exactly how long to seat the bullet in my bolt gun. For an AR you pretty much load to mag length and go.
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