Thread: Newb
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Old 09-08-2010, 03:31 AM
Crash_Test_dhimmi Crash_Test_dhimmi is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2

Im new here, Ive been interested in the whisper for several years now. Im currently in Afghanistan, and planning to use some deployment cash on an SSK Upper/Suppressor when I get back home. Which means, by extension I need to get into reloading, something Ive been meaning to do for a while, since I have a 45ACP, 303 Br, and a Micro Galil in 556. Its time to make the plunge.

What I want to know, is what setups do you guys use for reloading your 300Whispers? Should I get a turret press? Progressive? Im not looking for all the bells and whistles, just something to cover the basics. (IE Affordable)

So what presses, dies, case trimmers, and thing-a-ma-jiggers does everyone use? thanks!
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