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Old 09-04-2010, 10:11 AM
sha-ul sha-ul is offline
Super Moderator
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 281
Good news folks!! I got my barrel from Shilen this week, I have the 3 die Redding set on order form Midway& I have the Redding file trim die on hand now.

I have 2 rock chucker presses available to mount up, A Rcbs case trimmer to fine tune with, the Hornady case annealing kit, a Forster hand outside neck turner, and some once fired PMC bronze cases.

I still need to mount& headspace the Barrel on my Savage, but as you know that goes quick on a 110.

What is the proper way to use a file trim die?
I figured I could set the trim die a bit long, form& final trim with the piloted trimmer.

Where to next? I still need to pick up primer, powder& bullets, and look for a fairly forgiving load.
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