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Old 08-21-2010, 04:28 PM
gunz213 gunz213 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 12
I use Redding dies for my 300 and they worked great with the Model 1 barrel I have on my M-16. A few months ago I got a custom barrel for a SBR and it would not chamber any of the ammo that fit in the model 1 barrel. I thought the shoulder might need to be bumped back slightly more than the die allowed so I took about .075 off the bottom of the size die. It helped a bit, but now the case wouldn't extract from the chamber. I got fed up with the whole thing until I picked up a Redding small base body die. It made all the difference in the world. Now any brass will work in this chamber and I'll finally get to put some rounds through the barrel.

If you have trouble with LC brass, I highly recommend giving a small base die a try. And at around $30 it's not terribly expensive to try.
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