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Old 08-20-2010, 10:36 AM
Scalce Scalce is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Greenville, SC
Posts: 125
Anybody Resort to a SB Die To Size 556 Brass?

I have been wrestling with why LC 556 brass just does not consistently fit in my case gauge or chamber as easily as other manufacturers.

The fully resized and cut down cases mic fine in the neck and shoulder but I noticed some variation in the case dimensions as it gets closer to the head.

Is it possible that I have some LC brass from someones 223/556 chamber that is slightly oversized?

Other brands of brass that weigh alot more than LC brass work just fine.

I was wondering if the higher pressures from a factory loaded LC round is to blame.

I filed off some more material from a shell holder and it does seem to let the brass chamber more easily but still not as smooth as other brands.

I am wondering if running the LC cases through a small base die before forming and cutting would help.

Anyone experience something similar?
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