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Old 08-02-2010, 04:04 PM
Scalce Scalce is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Greenville, SC
Posts: 125
Thanks for the response.

I don't hunt so really I am just punching paper and playing at the range.

I was just curious why I always see people posting about their 220 and 240 grain loads and complaining about how expensive the bullets are.

Once you work up a load and figure out your dope for a hunting load, you don't need to use the same load for trigger time and fun.

Right now I am playing with 9.5 grains of H110, 175 grain BTHPs, PMC cases,and Wolf 223 primers loaded to about 2.14".

Even with some cheap milsurp 175s I am still getting decent accuracy but I do plan to use the 175 SMKs as they are not that much more and it takes the ogive variation out of the equation so it should help shrink my groups.

I will give the 7.5 of 2400 a try as that is what I guessed would be a good starting point using Quick Load as well.

Last edited by Scalce; 08-02-2010 at 04:09 PM.
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