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Old 03-23-2005, 09:47 PM
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Quarterbore Quarterbore is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Valley Forge, PA
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Pommel Compass: Discussion on why they were dropped?

I got an e-mail from an individual today that indicated he was at REI and purchased a small compass that fit perfectly in the Pommel of his Buckmaster. He said however that the compass doesn't work worth a darn because of the steel pommel affecting the magnetic field...

I am curious if the intention was that the user would remove the compass from the pommel or use the compass left inside the pommel?

Can anyone with a Buckmaster with the compass in the pommel advise if your compass works inside the pommel and/or does the compass come out of the pommel easily if the design was to use it outside of the knife?

I am assuming that these are the reasons that Buck and Qual-A-Tec walked away from this design but I would welcome additional oppinions... informed or not.
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