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Old 07-08-2010, 07:07 PM
rjones560 rjones560 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jerryr98 View Post
I have loaded aproximately 50 rounds for my new Remington 700 based 300/221 fireball. The brass was all newly formed (mixed headstamp) and fired for the first time with a suggested starting load of 10.7 gr of H110 with a 200gr Sierra MK. This data is from the Sierra loading mauual. I fired about forty of these with little to no issues and then BOOM. Powder residue and the report of the rifle back in my face. Now the bolt of the rifle opened smoothly. I quickly found that the primer was blown and flattened and stuck to the bolt face. The gas pressure has totally screwed my extractor. Now I am asking those of you who have a 300 Whisper or 300/221 fireball...... What the hell?On the bright side of things, the new barrel/rifle is starting to break in and it is shooting rather well but I am a little gun shy after this incident. What gives? Is this SEE incident or what? Why after 40 or so rounds with no issues did this happen? Please share your ideas? Low and slow is my goal as I plan to add a suppressor to this rifle soon.

I have a Noveske 16" Barrel on a home made upper. I Cerrosafe cast the chamber and the neck is .336" on the casting. Ejected brass is .334" I made brass from Federal 223 brass. When I got to measuring it I discovered the necks were generally to thick, epecially near the shoulder. I decided to neck turn all of it to .011 wall. that gives me a .330 OD with a .308 bullet loaded in it. I was quite amazed at what was happening when I turned the brass. I used the neck turning atachment for my Forster Case Trimmer with a 3,000 rpm air drill driving it. The brass fit the 30 cal mandrell very tight after it was sized. Lubrication is obviously required. What I observed was that many cases were only thinned on one side until very close to the shoulder. On others the cutter started trimming right at the mouth of the case. Obviously the was a lot of variability in the thickness of the case necks. I think that turning the case necks was quite worthwhile. My first loads had an Extreme Spread of 23 fps on the Pact Chronograph for 10 shots. Groups were sub 1 inch at 100 yards for 10 shots. I think case neck thickness is a very big problem for this cartridge when using converted .223 brass. Several of the first dummy cartridges I prepared would not chamber in my AR. Those that would sometimes showed marks on the neck near the shoulder. They were obviously very tight.
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