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Old 07-05-2010, 04:01 PM
gunz213 gunz213 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 12
New Barrel Trouble

I recently got a new 10.5" 300 fireball barrel and no mater what the cases get stuck in the chamber and I have to resort to pushing them out with a cleaning rod.

I am using Redding dies and both mil and commercial brass with the same results. Each time I chamber a case the bolt closes but fails to extract the case. I have tried 4 different bolt carriers and each bolt has a new extractor spring and an 0 ring.

I tried polishing the chamber, shortening the sizing die by .050 but it has not helped.

However the cases and loaded rounds function fine in my other 300 (model 1).

Does anyone have any more ideas?
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