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Old 06-05-2010, 01:01 PM
Scalce Scalce is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Greenville, SC
Posts: 125
I am starting to work up loads for subsonic 168s.

I have been running 175 BTHPs at 9 grains of H110 with an OAL of 2.14".

My throat is short and the bullets are pulled milsurp so the ogives are all over the place which is why the shorter OAL.

I get around 1000 fps out of my 10.5" barrel.

I loaded up some 168s last week with 8.5 grains of H110 and they seemed to stay subsonic and had decent accuracy.

I couldn't get velocity readings on them so I will next time.

They cycled my rifle which has a pistol length gas system and the adjustable block was full open.
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