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Old 05-25-2010, 09:58 AM
Scalce Scalce is offline
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Location: Greenville, SC
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Originally Posted by sten668 View Post
I load my subs with 6.2 grains of Unique with Rem 7 1/2 BR primers seated 1.78 in to ogive for the 788 with a 17 inch PAC-NOR 1 in 8 twist barrel. The chamber reamer was a 300 TIW, my smith said it was the same as a 300/221. All the brass is Rem 221 Fireball expanded out with Redding dies, all flash holes trued and all trimmed to 1.355, 3 shot groups.
I have loaded 16 grains of H110 for the AR with a M1S barrel for super sonic but I have only
fired a few into a back stop to make sure the action would function. I have 200 rounds loaded but have not gone out yet to break in the new lower.(crummy weather)
I have a 16 inch barrel with the carbine gas tube. I am going to try some 1680 for subs in it.
Thanks for the info

I don't think 3 shot groups really tell the whole story of a particular load or bullet.

I can shoot an ocassional sub 1" 3 shot group with the 175 milsurp bullets either in my 308s or 300 Whisper but I rarely shoot a sub 1" group with 5 or more shots in a group which I think is a better indicator of a good load.
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