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Old 05-24-2010, 02:43 PM
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amafrank amafrank is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 197
Corbin sells the equipment to make the bullets from scratch. You buy dies, presses, copper tubing, lead wire, tungsten etc and make your own bullets. I'm sure you could modify others but the whole point of bullet making is putting together stuff that you can't buy. Is $2K a lot of cash just to make a few different types of subsonic bullets? Sure it is but you can also make all sorts of other bullets for anything. Once you've got the base equipment you can get dies for all sorts of designs and sizes. You can mix and match flat base, boattail, rebated boattail along with pointy bullets or round nose etc. The only limits are your ideas. For some this is not the way to go but for others who love the creative possibilities its a good way to spend hobby money just like others might on bass boats or RC planes etc. What does your hobby cost?
Hope that clarifies the Corbin angle a bit more. Its not really obvious from the posts unless you know who the maker is and what they sell.

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