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Old 05-11-2010, 03:25 PM
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amafrank amafrank is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 197
Spooks got some good advice there.....

I'd like to add that the questions you're asking need a lot more info to really get any realistic answer. The amount of windage(over bore diameter) for your baffles and endcap will vary considerably depending on not only the round you are shooting but also on your skills with the machine work. Can you keep the bore, threads, can and baffles concentric within a few thou or do you have loose threads cut at an angle to the bore? The tighter you can keep your tolerances and concentricities the less you need to overbore the baffles.
Are you shooting a round like .223 which seems to have a bit of the wobblies out of the barrel? Some rounds take a bit to stabilize and they need more room.

On the material spec, what round are you suppressing, how much pressure and gas are you trying to contain and will you have a lot of heat buildup? Is it semi auto or bolt action? Aluminum cans can be great on some rounds and guns but not a good idea on others. Wall thickness will vary depending on the pressure too so work your way up the chain by first answering the cal, firearm and purpose questions. That way you can get more informative answers from others.

Hope that helps
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