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Old 09-27-2005, 01:54 AM
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sluggermn sluggermn is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: nw minnesota
Posts: 59
thanks for the encouraging words 555th
I plan on making my own bending jig from your plans and we have three sizes of brakes at work, I work at a metal fab company and they are pretty leinant about using their eqpt for personal use. in fact my boss's boss is entering your blue prints into the cad machine this week to laser cut the pieces for your jig.
and next week I am going to hit him up to enter the rivet press plans and cut a few of them too.

now if I could just get the blue prints for xebec's barrel press and I would just about have it made!!

I will keep you posted on the progress of jigs and the build ( gonna be a slow process at this point)
slugger out

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