Thread: New 300 Whisper
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Old 05-11-2010, 06:23 AM
gds gds is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: NC< USA
Posts: 40
New 300 Whisper

I should have my .300 whisper barrel today and I am trying to decide on the loadings. My main projectiles will be 125g Soft point for super sonic and a 200g cast round nose for sub sonic. The barrel is 16.25", gas port in the carbine position with a JP adjustable gas block, and 1 in 10 twist.

The load data seams to be all over the place so I figured I would ask for some good starting loads from the guys here. Here are the powders I have available that I have seen listed.

Blue Dot
Red Dot
Reloder 7
AA 1680

I will also be doing some 120g and 155g cast super sonic.
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